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  • What is diabetic neuropathy in the feet?

    Diabetic neuropathy refers to nerve damage due to diabetes. When it affects the feet, healthcare professionals call it peripheral neuropathy. It usually affects both feet at the same time, as well as the hands, arms, and legs.

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  • Non-invasive imaging technique offers insight into Achilles tendon injury recovery

    Achilles tendon injuries are common but challenging to monitor during recovery due to the limitations of current imaging techniques. Researchers, led by Associate Professor Zeng Nan from the International Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, have applied Mueller matrix polarimetry, a non-invasive imaging method, to more accurately observe and evaluate the healing of Achilles tendon injuries.

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  • 11 Reasons Why Your Foot Hurts When Walking and What to Do

    There are numerous reasons you might feel pain in your foot. Injury, poor alignment of the foot bones, or deterioration of the protective cushioning around the bones are a few of the issues that can contribute to foot pain when you walk. Sometimes, the pain worsens with each step. Depending on the cause, rest, specific foot exercises, or at-home remedies, such as ice or over-the-counter pain relievers, can help manage the pain.

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  • What to know about subtalar joint pain

    The subtalar joint is a complex joint in the foot. It is vital for walking, and helps people balance on uneven or rough ground. Damage to the subtalar joint may impact a person’s mobility or affect their gait when walking. It may also cause pain.

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  • Ankle Exercises and Physical Therapy for Ankle Injuries

    The ankle joint is one of the major weight-bearing joints in the body. As a result of this function and partly due to its structure, the ankle is often injured, such as when jumping and landing incorrectly.

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